李雪甄 Hsueh-Chen Lee
Dean of Ursuline College Of Liberal Arts
聯絡方式:la0001@mail.wzu.edu.tw / (07)342-6031 分機7001
通識教育中心教授 Professor, Center for General Education
教育部教學實踐研究期刊副主編 Associate Editor, Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
通識教育中心教授 Professor, Center for General Education
教育部教學實踐研究期刊副主編 Associate Editor, Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
學歷|Doctoral Degree
Ph.D., Applied Math, National Chung Cheng University
專長|Academic Specialties
數值分析、科學計算 , 計算流體力學, 通識教育
Ph.D., Applied Math, National Chung Cheng University
專長|Academic Specialties
數值分析、科學計算 , 計算流體力學, 通識教育
學術著作|Scholarly Publications
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2024), Stabilized equal lower-order finite element methods for simulating Brinkman equations in porous media, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 101 (9-10), 1132-1151 (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, M. C. Chen, J. Chu, M. C. Shiue (2024), Numerical simulation of basal crevasses of the tidewater glacier with Galerkin least-squares finite element method, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 145(17), 1-24. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, M. C. Chen, J. Chu, M. C. Shiue (2024), Numerical simulation of basal crevasses of the tidewater glacier with Galerkin least-squares finite element method, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 145(17), 1-24. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2023), Equal lower-order finite elements of least-squares type in Biot poroelasticity modeling, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 27(5): 971-988
H. C. Lee, H. Lee* (2022), A weighted least-squares finite element method for Biot's consolidation problem, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 19(2-3), 386-403 (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2021), A least-squares finite element method for steady flows across an unconfined square cylinder placed symmetrically in a plane channel, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 504 (2), 125426 (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2021), An a posteriori error estimator based on least-squares finite element solutions for viscoelastic fluid flows. Electronic Research Archive,2021, 29(4), 2755-2770. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2021), An adaptive least-squares finite element method for Giesekus viscoelastic flow problems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2021, 98(10), 1974-1990. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2019, Apr), Numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluid flows past a transverse slot using least-squares finite element methods, Journal of Scientific Computing, 79 (1), 369- 388 (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2018, Jan), Adaptive weights for mass conservation in a least-squares finite element method, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95(1), 20-35. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee(2017, Jul), Numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluid flows using a least-squares finite element method based on Von Mises stress criteria. International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, 7(3),157-164(EI).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2015, Dec). A nonlinear weighted least-squares finite element method for the Carreau–Yasuda non-Newtonian model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 432, 844-861 (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, T. F. Chen (2015, Jan). Adaptive least-squares finite element approximations to Stokes Equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 280(2015), 396-412. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2014, Feb). An adaptively refined least-squares finite element method for generalized Newtonian fluid flows using the Carreau model. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(1), A193– A218. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2014, Sep).Weighted least-squares finite element methods for the linearized Navier–Stokes equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91(9), 1964-1985. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2012, Sep). A nonlinear weighted least-squares finite element method for the Oldroyd-B viscoelastic flow. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 421-434. (SCIE).
T. F. Chen, C. L. Cox, H. C. Lee and K. L. Tung (2010, Oct). Least-squares finite element methods for generalized Newtonian and viscoelastic flows. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 60, 1024-1040. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee and T. F. Chen (2010, Jan). A nonlinear weighted least-squares finite element method for the Stokes equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59, 215-224. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (July 2022), Creative Writing that Combines Mathematics and Literature, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 12(2), 460-471.
李雪甄 (2020 年 9月)。非線性裡的不安定靈魂。科學月刊,51(9), 52-55。
李雪甄 (2020年1月)。理有所依、情有所達、心有所歸:淺談數學詩文。數理人文,17, 88-95。
張慈珊、李雪甄 (2019年6月)。文學與數學的一場對話。數學傳播,43(2), 84-93。
張慈珊、李雪甄 (2019年3月)。連結瞬間:見數學 見文學 見自己。通識學刊:理念與實務,7(1), 73-108。
李雪甄 (2019 年 3月)。從乳房X光攝影篩檢看見貝氏定理。通識在線,14 (81),44-48。
李雪甄、吳宜真、吳秋慧、許雅惠、劉獻文 (2019 年 1月)。聆聽世界的聲音:通識課程跨領域溝通。通識在線,14 (80),75-83.
許淮之、李雪甄 (2018 年 11月)。跨領域合作融入通識課程之實作-以社會創新與社會創業為例。高雄文化研究2018年年刊,28-50。
H. C. Lee, H. Lee* (2022), A weighted least-squares finite element method for Biot's consolidation problem, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 19(2-3), 386-403 (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2021), A least-squares finite element method for steady flows across an unconfined square cylinder placed symmetrically in a plane channel, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 504 (2), 125426 (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2021), An a posteriori error estimator based on least-squares finite element solutions for viscoelastic fluid flows. Electronic Research Archive,2021, 29(4), 2755-2770. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2021), An adaptive least-squares finite element method for Giesekus viscoelastic flow problems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2021, 98(10), 1974-1990. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, H. Lee (2019, Apr), Numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluid flows past a transverse slot using least-squares finite element methods, Journal of Scientific Computing, 79 (1), 369- 388 (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2018, Jan), Adaptive weights for mass conservation in a least-squares finite element method, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95(1), 20-35. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee(2017, Jul), Numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluid flows using a least-squares finite element method based on Von Mises stress criteria. International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, 7(3),157-164(EI).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2015, Dec). A nonlinear weighted least-squares finite element method for the Carreau–Yasuda non-Newtonian model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 432, 844-861 (SCIE).
H. C. Lee, T. F. Chen (2015, Jan). Adaptive least-squares finite element approximations to Stokes Equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 280(2015), 396-412. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2014, Feb). An adaptively refined least-squares finite element method for generalized Newtonian fluid flows using the Carreau model. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(1), A193– A218. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2014, Sep).Weighted least-squares finite element methods for the linearized Navier–Stokes equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91(9), 1964-1985. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (2012, Sep). A nonlinear weighted least-squares finite element method for the Oldroyd-B viscoelastic flow. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 421-434. (SCIE).
T. F. Chen, C. L. Cox, H. C. Lee and K. L. Tung (2010, Oct). Least-squares finite element methods for generalized Newtonian and viscoelastic flows. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 60, 1024-1040. (SCIE).
H. C. Lee and T. F. Chen (2010, Jan). A nonlinear weighted least-squares finite element method for the Stokes equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59, 215-224. (SCIE).
Hsueh-Chen Lee (July 2022), Creative Writing that Combines Mathematics and Literature, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 12(2), 460-471.
李雪甄 (2020 年 9月)。非線性裡的不安定靈魂。科學月刊,51(9), 52-55。
李雪甄 (2020年1月)。理有所依、情有所達、心有所歸:淺談數學詩文。數理人文,17, 88-95。
張慈珊、李雪甄 (2019年6月)。文學與數學的一場對話。數學傳播,43(2), 84-93。
張慈珊、李雪甄 (2019年3月)。連結瞬間:見數學 見文學 見自己。通識學刊:理念與實務,7(1), 73-108。
李雪甄 (2019 年 3月)。從乳房X光攝影篩檢看見貝氏定理。通識在線,14 (81),44-48。
李雪甄、吳宜真、吳秋慧、許雅惠、劉獻文 (2019 年 1月)。聆聽世界的聲音:通識課程跨領域溝通。通識在線,14 (80),75-83.
許淮之、李雪甄 (2018 年 11月)。跨領域合作融入通識課程之實作-以社會創新與社會創業為例。高雄文化研究2018年年刊,28-50。